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  • Our goal is to teach and model good sportsmanship and show respect to coaches, officials, opponents and each other.
  • When a BYFP player puts on his or her jersey at any time, he or she represents the entire organization.  You will be on your best behavior.


  • Players should not arrive to practice more than 15 minutes before the start of practice.  This ensures that there will be adult supervision. 
  • If you have transportation problem getting your player to practice, please notify one of your coaches for assistance.

Missing Practice Policy

  • An Excused Practice is when:
    •  a parent or guardian contacts one of the player's coaches at least 1/2 hour before practice starts with an explanation for the player not attending practice.   This can be done through the game changer app or by a text message to a coach.
  • An Unexcused Practice will be handled as follows for Tackle (6-7-8)
    • 1 unexcused practice = player will sit out 1st quarter of the game that week.
    • 2 unexcused practices = player will sit out 1st half of the game that week.
    • 3 unexcused practices = player will not be allowed to play in the game that week.
  • An Unexcused Practice will be handled as follows for Padded Flag (4-5)
    • 1 unexcused practice = player will sit out 1st half of the game that week.
    • 2 unexcused practices = player will not be allowed to play in the game that week.

A determination of an excused or unexcused practice will be at the discretion of the Head Coach and Staff of each team.


  • With any sport there can be injuries.  Please report any injury (bumps, bruises, scrapes, etc.) to your Head Coach immediately.  If the player has any scrapes or cuts, please protect those areas before they come to practice or a game.
  • If an injury requires doctor's visit, the player's Head Coach will need a written doctor's release before that player will be allowed to participate in any practices or games.
  • Concussions - any player with possible concussion symptoms will be removed from practice or game by the coaching staff.  Players diagnosed with a concussion will go through concussion protocol before being allowed to participate in practice or games.  Please review all concussion information on our website under Player Safety.

Game Days

  • Players are required to be at the game a minimum of 1 hour before the game starts, dressed and ready to play!  Coaches need this time to make sure the players are properly warmed up and mentally ready to play to avoid injuries.
  • If you have a transportation problem getting your player to the game, please notify one of your coaches for assistance.

If you have a problem, complaint or suggestion for the Belleville Youth Football Program, please contact us at [email protected] or any Board of Director listed on our website.