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The Belleville Youth Football Program Inc. is dedicated to providing the best possible opportunities for youth football players to develop and promote the ideals of responsibility, sportsmanship and team work.  Our goal is to increase self-confidence, self-respect and encourage leadership while keeping it fun.  We also want to teach that maintaining a good academic record is very important.



  •  You will be required to pass a background check.
  •  You will be required to pass a certified insurance backed coaching program through USA Football and show proof of completion.  Your certificate of completion must be filed with the appropriate Program Director.
  •  We highly recommend that all coaches get First Aid CPR and AED Certified.
  •  You will place the emotional and physical well-being of your players ahead of any personal desire to win.
  •  You will remember to treat each player as an individual, remembering the large spread of emotional and physical development for the same age group while developing their skills, confidence and self-esteem.
  • You will promote the values of team spirit and fair play and that winning is only one part of the game.  Having fun and enjoying the game is more important.
  •  You will set a positive example in personal conduct at all times.
  •  You will ensure that no alcohol, tobacco, or any illegal controlled substance be used by any coaches at any youth football event.
  •  You will not criticize or use profanity towards players, officials, opponents, coaches, fans or parents through language or gesture.
  •  You will only use social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Etc.) to present a positive image of myself, my team, opponent teams and all league officials and administrators.
  • You will support the integrity of the game and make game decisions in line with fair play and sportsmanship.
  •  Any injured player that requires doctor’s care must have a doctor’s written release before the player will be allowed back on the playing field.
  •  You will abide by all Rules and By-Laws of the Board of Directors approved league your team is participating in.



  •  You will make sure all players have equal playing time.  Players will all play both offense and defense in a game or scrimmage.  Unexcused practices, discipline problems, etc. will affect this.
  • You will have a substitution coordinator who will have a substitution chart filled out for every game or scrimmage agreed upon by the entire coaching staff.
  •  Any coach or player issues that result in a player being removed from a game, scrimmage or practice will be reported to the appropriate Program Director immediately.
  •  Any Belleville Youth Football spectator issues that result in a spectator being removed from games, scrimmages or practices will be reported to the appropriate Program Director immediately.
  •  Check practice and game fields so they are free from any potential hazards i.e., holes, rocks, trash, etc.
  •  Assume a safe distance around the game fields, free from potential hazards.  It is recommended that no spectators standing or sitting, tables, chairs, bleachers, fences or any other potential hazard can be within a 5 yard area around the entire field.
  •  You will be required to assist in game and practice field set-up, equipment set up and take down, registration/equipment handout nights, awards night, etc.
  •  All helmets and equipment need to be continuously checked through the course of the season for proper fit.


As a Belleville Youth Football Program Inc. Coach, you have agreed to abide by this Code of Conduct.  Any violations of this code will be handled by the Belleville Youth Football Program Inc. Board of Directors.



_________________________                    Program – Flag, Padded Flag, Tackle                                  

Coach's Name (Print) (Circle one)



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Coach’s Signature                                            Date